T-Shirt Wars
the real thing
Latest news from the T-Shirt Wars, currently raging in Northern Europe.
11 weeks
46 days...
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Previous Posts
- Day 6 - Shane Warne claims another victim
- Time to draw breath...
- Day 5 - The Worm Turns
- Blog off!
- Day 3 - Zero to Hero
- Day 2
- Day 1
- The Rules
- The beginning...
If you've enjoyed this war, why not try...
- Star Wars ASCIImation
- Kittenwar
- Puppywar
- The BBC's excellent WWII site
- Thumb Wars
- Googlefight
- Fighting Hamsters
Oh dear. I appear to have adopted some kind of strange body builder pose in the photo. Mental note to self not to do that again.
those veins look ripe for a venflon, Brian.
Can you change your settings to show more than the last days postings on the main page. (e.g. the past 1 week for instance). It is less of a pain than having to keep clicking each individual post to see the old ones.
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