Day 18 - Everybody Out!
Yesterday, our hearts truly sank as the theme for today's contest was revealed. We were to wear the most camp T-shirts we own...
Thus, the latter part of the day was spent discussing tactics. We discussed relaxing the rule of 'no borrowing' to allow T-shirts from spouses/female friends to be worn, or the possibility of going shopping that evening for emergency supplies (an idea eventually kiboshed by our laziness and reluctance to spend money on a 'gay' T-shirt) but eventually decided to stick with tradition and pull the eventual winner from our own closets (after all, coming out of the closet was in-keeping with the theme). But who would find themselves mincing to victory?
On the day, at first glance everyone seemed to have thrown in the towel. Pete wore a navy blue diesel tee, with 'Fighter' written over a flower design (which he stressed was a 'pansy'). I came with a light blue (quite a effeminate shade of blue, I thought) with a print of the Spanish village Casares on it. Nick appeared to have made no effort with his 'shirt with a dark blue 'Mars Attacks' number. Would the judges be disappointed?
Cometh the hour, cometh the man, and we set off for Lab 207 for judging. But on the way, Nick dashed into the bathroom, pulling his cardigan round his T-shirt, whispering 'I've got a secret' and giggling. He might as well have said 'Chase me'... it was the campest bit of action all day and he clearly had a plan. He turned up late to the judging, in time to see me explain that the hilltop village of Casares may well have many 'uphill gardeners' and also that my T-shirt was obviously an homage to lesbian icon Ingrid Casares. Pete explained his pansy theory and gave a mince around the lab. Then Nick revealed all. 'Campness is not just in what you wear, but in how you wear it' he declared proudly, whipping off his cardigan to reveal his T-shirt converted with a few deft knots into a shortie - uncovering an impressively hairy midriff - and a sleeveless 'muscle-top- look. With a skip down the lab, he knew he had it in the bag.
So, it only remained for Nick to maintain his look for 3 more hours to satisfy the judges that he was genuinely doing the outfit justice before he came away with top points. The judges said 'no comment needed' so a clear winner. Just look at the photo if you need proof. I got two points ('well-researched and convincingly gay' - not sure if this is a compliment) and Pete received a consolation point ('a valiant attempt - would have been the gayest on any other day').
And that was it! Theme Week over, and we're exhausted. Back to regular Tournament Rules next week. Go girl!

PS If enough people ask for it (by leaving a comment after this post) we might show Nick's face with this outfit. Might...
Do I detect a whiff of homophobia in the hallowed halls of academe? Darlings, "camp" is not necessarily "gay", nor vice-versa. (Though of course sometimes it is.) It's all about style and daring and panache and couldn't-give-a-f*** what the rotters might be whispering, and just having FUN. So good on ya, Nick for having the imagination and the nerve. Have a bright weekend. I look forward to all those torsos again next week. Maybe, after all, the heads would spoil the effect.
P.S. Even the Dark Side can be thrillingly camp ...
Fear not, Dr Furter, the putrid stench of homophobia will not be tolerated here at T-Shirt Wars. We know that "camp" does not always equal "gay" but in this case, those who set the challenge were quite clear that both were expected. We did our best with limited resources, and as you know, the magnificent effort by Nick won out. In fact we all found the day both exhilirating and liberating and our eyes have been opened to a whole new world of possibilities. Thanks for your comments and keep on watching T-Shirt Wars
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