Day 19 - Fading Fast
As theme week drew to a close, I heaved a sigh of relief. While it had certainly been interesting I had not fared well. Every theme that had come up left me struggling (with the exception of the Proclone affair). Admittedly the others had often been quite ingenious when it came to fitting the theme, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't shoe-horn any of my T-shirts into the categories. Only my success on 'camp' day saved me from total embarrassment in the scores department, although a fair amount of embarrassment was still involved. Consequently I was looking to this week to try turn the tide.
Today I opted for a Transformers T-shirt. Not one of my greatest garments but I figured it would fair well in 306. Initially things looked good, Brian was wearing a Deuchars IPA T-shirt which was a little old looking and had the wiff of being a freebie - that was third place sorted. One of the judges also told me how Optimus Prime had been one of his favourite toys. Sweet! Pete turned up a little later on and had an unusual black number with a black print. Interesting, and clearly a contender for first place. Foolishly I thought it would be Pete and I slogging it out for the top two slots.
Late on in the day the verdict came in. Shocker! I was not too surprised to see Pete take the 3 points for first place, but Brian got second leaving me trailing in 3rd. It seemed that the thought of beer combined with the fact that the T-shirt came from Edinburgh, Brian's old stomping ground had won out over the glory of 'robots in disguise'.
So that leaves Brian and Pete out in front with 39 and 38 respectively, and me trailing behind with 36. What does fate have in store for the rest of the week? Can I fare well in the unpredictable realms of 207 tomorrow?

I'm pretty sure that Deuchars T Shirt is mine!
See Rule 4(c)(iii)
A military operation involves deception. Even though you are competent, appear to be incompetent. Though effective, appear to be ineffective.
I thought so...
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