Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Day 25 - Burn baby burn

We are all familiar with the following definition of "burn"

verb 1 (of a fire) flame or glow while consuming a fuel. 2 be or cause to be harmed or destroyed by fire. 3 use (a fuel) as a source of heat or energy. 4 (of the skin) become red and painful through exposure to the sun. 5 (be burning with) be entirely possessed by (a desire or emotion). 6 (burn out) become exhausted through overwork.

However we now have a new definition

7 to play a T-shirt which is felt unlikely to be able to win at a time which is strategically advantageous

I have no recollection of how it began but now all three competitors use the phrase "burn" when playing a shoddy T-shirt intentionally as part of a strategy. For example during theme week one might feel unable to fulfil the theme and therefore choose to "burn" a lame T-shirt. Or if one suspected another player (or players) was likely to play a particularly strong T-shirt on any given day. Or as in Brian's case if you have an almost unassailable lead.

And this is exactly what he did on Tuesday, playing a plain (and very bobbled) orange T-shirt. Pete had chosen another Quicksilver number (surely the last?) and I was wearing a Japanese T with kanji on the front I am assured says "ichiban", that means "number 1" not the restaurant.

Sure enough the orange offering was "burned" in third place, I came in second and Pete first. And so Brian continues to burn so bright while Pete and I splutter along, 5 points behind.

P.S. Not sure what happened with the bird-fest in the pictures, you can try and guess who started it (they are shown in the order of placing, not necessarily the order taken)


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