Day 41 - Pandamonium
Give us a few days off and we forget what we're doing! With a disjointed couple of weeks and what seems like ages since we last had a competition day (in fact it was five days), we all felt a bit rusty today as we geared up once again for battle on the T-shirt front. So much so that we forgot to write the blog (hence today's late blog, sorry) and forgot to take the photos! We'll get the photos done first thing tomorrow, and add them to the blog, promise!
Right, so what threads were on show? Pete brought out his Aem-Kai T-shirt last seen on Day 22, and Nick was also wearing a tee we've seen before - it was a welcome return for Felix the Cat, last seen way back on Day 6, and eligible for re-wearing as Pete was a no-show that day (see Rule 4a(i)). I brought out my Panda T-shirt, dubbed 'Pandamonium' featuring a King Kong-style panda battling off tanks and helicopters - a shirt specially kept back for the Panda-lovers that I know reside in Lab 207, today's judges. Confident in my 'shirt, I even chose to play my Joker, gambling the extra point against the strong likelihood that Nick would Hex me.
Looks like my tactics paid off, as I got first place and three points plus another one for playing my Joker. Nick came second with 2 points and Pete brought up the rear with 1 point, halved to 0.5. So I edge a single point ahead of Nick and the competition is really heating up! We both have one Hex left and neither of us are giving away anything regarding how many T-shirts we have left. You'll just have to wait and see!

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