Soar like the Eagle
When you soar like the eagle, you attract hunters...
someone once said.
Well, my (by now infamous) eagle T-shirt did indeed soar, and it has indeed attracted the hunters - on Ebay. Against all odds and despite a tempting offer to burn the shirt on Guy Fawkes night, the Eagle Tee produced something of a bidding war, attracting 23 votes in all and a final selling price of £29 to a nice lady in Edinburgh. We will add another £5 onto that and donate the lot to Children in Need.

Thank you everyone for all your interest and to those of you who bid.
As for T-Shirt Wars, it's been another short week although exciting as regards the leaderboard. Normal service will be resumed next week - could it be the last week? Stay tuned.
I see "pippa9" who was an early bidder in the T Shirt War Charity Auction, made a last gasp bid to snatch the goods, before being "pipped" herself!
"Pippa" has a serious Ebay addiction, or, has a thriving cottage industry going, so I'm sure will find many other odds and sods to spent her moolah on soon!
Since Nick doesn't like his "teracotta 'shirt with a full-chest aboriginal design" why doesn't he offer to sell that too, for a charity of his choice? Vera was so disappointed not to get the Eagle (because I wouldn't let her bid away her savings) that she's willing to offer Nick something to buy it outright, no bidding...
P.S. Today's photos show me at something more like my real age - when I went to America for the honorary degree. I still miss Mr Dodgson, you know.
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