Saturday, November 12, 2005

Seek and ye shall find

A little weekend interlude for you blog fans out there. A question that people often ask us is 'just who visits your blog?'. We partially answered that in our 1000th anniversary blog, but you deserve to know more.

One constant source of amusment for us are the visitors that reach our site via search engines such as Google, MSN Search, or the Blog Search and we now have a collection of over 40 search terms that have led unsuspecting souls into our wold of madness (and poor spell-checking). Some searchers obviously already know about our competition but have lost the URL, and are resorting to Google to bring them back to us, returning like prodigal sons. Hence search terms such as "", "", "t-shirt wars chook blog", or simply "tshirtwars".

Others appear to be searching for particular T-shirts although the coincidence between what they want and what we blog is sometimes uncanny: "Mccartney T-shirt", "Tobermory T-shirt", "Alcatraz Triathalon T-shirt", "aem kai", "worm t-shirt", "Satriani T-shirt", "Diesel N21W73", "Ashes T-Shirt", "Bacardi T-Shirt" to name but a few... (the more bored amongst you can sift through the site to find out where these terms appeared in our blog, but I wouldn't bother).

But others are seemingly irrelevant, banal or downright bizarre. See if you can pick out which of the search terms below are real ones that brought people to T-Shirt Wars and which ones we have made up:

what does "in like flynn" mean?
t-shirt of the week
i plead the fifth
dirty nick and brian slash
second placed t-shirt
extra long t-shirt
shane warne t-shirt
hairpulling fighting
teenage fanclub
shortie girlie fashions
penelope pitstop t-shirts
flatliners t-shirt
the pixies t-shirt
camping t-shirt
batman 2005 movie fr

To see the answers, use your new spoiler-revealing skills to read them below:

None of them are made up - they are all genuine search queries that have brought strangers to the T-Shirt Wars blog...

See you next week!


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