OK, here’s the deal.
Yesterday’s big news was that
Nick ran out of T-Shirts meaning that I won the Longevity Contest – hooray! But no time for celebration. I have to concentrate now on the Quality Contest. Nick pulled ahead by a solitary point and I picked up a black mark, meaning that
if we are tied on points by the end of the contest I will lose. Stupid, stu-pid,… So what now? How long does it go on for? Well, by T-Shirt Wars Rules, the contestant still wearing new T-shirts (me) determines the number of days left and whoever is ahead at the end of that time wins. But we’re not telling you what that number is… you see, we don’t want the judges on the last day to have their judgement clouded by the knowledge (and pressure) that their decision could decide the outcome of weeks of competition.
But we know when we’re going to finish, for tactics you understand. And boy are there tactics. All three of us are racking our brains, turning over permutations of results, trying to maximise our points. “
If I win then and Hex Nick, but he Hexes me on the next day, or if Pete comes first…” It’s exhausting.
So what happened today? Nick made his intentions clear. A show of strength with his red Mirrorball tee which won the approval of the mega-judging panel last time around on our
Away Day Special. Pete wore his Japanese-style
pizza delivery shirt, always a goody. I pulled out one I’ve been saving for a special occasion. Good for the girls, it’s a green number with a sad looking robot contemplating his broken heart. The designer called this ‘shirt ‘She Doesn’t Even Realise’ – touching. And it worked. The judges gave me 3 points, commenting “
everyone liked Brian’s brokenhearted robot. I think lab 301 has a soft side underneath the harsh judging exterior”. Nick came in second (2 points halved to 1) and Pete picked up a demi-point.
So I’m back in lead, but not by much. And now, I have to win outright to gain points. If I place below Pete or Nick I get zilch. All this and two Hexes waiting to be played, T-Shirt Wars is drawing to a nail-biting conclusion.
Remember: Each day could be the last - keep checking the Website!