Friday, September 30, 2005

Day 18 - Everybody Out!

Yesterday, our hearts truly sank as the theme for today's contest was revealed. We were to wear the most camp T-shirts we own...

Thus, the latter part of the day was spent discussing tactics. We discussed relaxing the rule of 'no borrowing' to allow T-shirts from spouses/female friends to be worn, or the possibility of going shopping that evening for emergency supplies (an idea eventually kiboshed by our laziness and reluctance to spend money on a 'gay' T-shirt) but eventually decided to stick with tradition and pull the eventual winner from our own closets (after all, coming out of the closet was in-keeping with the theme). But who would find themselves mincing to victory?

On the day, at first glance everyone seemed to have thrown in the towel. Pete wore a navy blue diesel tee, with 'Fighter' written over a flower design (which he stressed was a 'pansy'). I came with a light blue (quite a effeminate shade of blue, I thought) with a print of the Spanish village Casares on it. Nick appeared to have made no effort with his 'shirt with a dark blue 'Mars Attacks' number. Would the judges be disappointed?

Cometh the hour, cometh the man, and we set off for Lab 207 for judging. But on the way, Nick dashed into the bathroom, pulling his cardigan round his T-shirt, whispering 'I've got a secret' and giggling. He might as well have said 'Chase me'... it was the campest bit of action all day and he clearly had a plan. He turned up late to the judging, in time to see me explain that the hilltop village of Casares may well have many 'uphill gardeners' and also that my T-shirt was obviously an homage to lesbian icon Ingrid Casares. Pete explained his pansy theory and gave a mince around the lab. Then Nick revealed all. 'Campness is not just in what you wear, but in how you wear it' he declared proudly, whipping off his cardigan to reveal his T-shirt converted with a few deft knots into a shortie - uncovering an impressively hairy midriff - and a sleeveless 'muscle-top- look. With a skip down the lab, he knew he had it in the bag.

So, it only remained for Nick to maintain his look for 3 more hours to satisfy the judges that he was genuinely doing the outfit justice before he came away with top points. The judges said 'no comment needed' so a clear winner. Just look at the photo if you need proof. I got two points ('well-researched and convincingly gay' - not sure if this is a compliment) and Pete received a consolation point ('a valiant attempt - would have been the gayest on any other day').

And that was it! Theme Week over, and we're exhausted. Back to regular Tournament Rules next week. Go girl!

PS If enough people ask for it (by leaving a comment after this post) we might show Nick's face with this outfit. Might...

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Second post

As King Pete said, we had a bit o' trouble with the blog-machine today, so the post for today was held back. Sorry 'bout that... Anyway, it's up and running now, in chronological order, so you have to go back about three posts to read Pete's account of today's contest and find out why his crabs were a hit with the girls!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Thursday's Theme - Holidays

Embracing Theme Week like a much-loved child, Lab 405 have chosen the theme for their lab tomorrow. And it is...


OK, Ibiza T-shirts at dawn then.

Day 16 - Shot Down in Flames

When the theme for today was announced as "Immunology" I knew right away which T-shirt I was going to play having spotted it earlier and hoped that some kind of Science or Immunology theme would come up. I knew it wasn't explicity Immunology but thought no-one was likely to come any closer. In addition despite being rather old and worn it was reasonably stylish in it's day. So I was optimistic as I went through my morning routine of ironing it specially for the judges.

When I arrived Brian had a Washington DC T-shirt on, the acronym for the Dendritic Cell of the immune system. Nice bit of improvisation. Pete however seemed to have made no effort at all and was wearing an O'Neill Deep Blue Open T-shirt. It turns out this was rather an obscure reference to Luke O'Neill, one of the collaborators in the area of immunology Pete is studying. Surely a bit of a long shot.

Apparently not. Pete came in first, Brian second and me last. The judges reported "Stunning efforts from Pete & Brian. Brian's was more relevant to Immunology in general but because it was Pete's idea he wins. Kudos to Brian for owning up though. Nick did not read the question properly and was too general. A poor effort must try harder". Obviously I don't want to upset the judges, but the problem appeared to be - not listening to my explanation properly, rather than - not reading the question properly. Regardless my explanation of the vital role of "genetic engineering" techniques (as referred to on my Pro-Clone T-shirt) in the toolset of an investigative immunologist fell on deaf ears.

The judges have spoken and as they say "Like the Murphy's...."

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Day 15 - In Like Flynn

And so, we enter a new phase of the competition... our very first (and possibly last) Theme Week.

The rules are simple - each lab chooses a theme for the day, the contestants try and pick a T-shirt to match that theme, and can put their case to the judges. Top points awarded for the T-shirt that best matches.

It was a toughie to start the week - Lab 306 had chosen Macho as their theme. I searched high and low for my Muscle Beach tee, but I must have lent it to one of my body-building mates... funny, I thought it was too big for any of them. Anyway, King Pete turned out in his Zambezi Whitewater Rafting T-shirt - evidence of a life of derring-do - and regailed us with stories of falling in amongst baby crocodiles. Sorry Pete, but baby crocs don't cut it... real men swim with the grown-ups! MonkeyMagic had a beer T-shirt, trying to convince us that he drinks like a man. But we suspect the slogan 'Biere blanche de Namur. Hm!' translates as 'after half a lager shandy, I giggle like a schoolgirl'. I dug deep and found a 'shirt from the archives. An old tour T-shirt (in surprisingly good nick) from late 80's rock band 'the Dogs D'Amour' emblazoned with the name of their single 'Errol Flynn' across the front. And why is this macho? Firstly, it has a man swinging on a chandelier on the front and a pirate ship on the back. How manly is that? But mostly, because Errol Flynn represents all that is masculine. After all, Flynn 'defined a male archetype and forever set his mark on movie maleness, in fact, created a constellation of manly virtues that even today is the stuff of dreams' as is eloquently-described in the website In Like Flynn. In fact even the phrase 'In Like Flynn' refers to his manly prowess.

So it was with good grace that the other two competitors gave way to Errol who justly received 3 points for his efforts. Zambezi got 2 points for underwater exploits, although the judges did feel that Pete's admission that it was the most scared he had ever been in his life 'a bit girly'. And Nick came in last place although his tee was deemed 'desirable'. The end of an exciting day's contest methinks, and looking forward to the considerable challenge tomorrow when the theme is 'Immunology'.

Wednesday's Theme – Immunology

As Theme Week kicks off another lab has confirmed their choice. Lab 301 have taken inspiration from our place of work and chosen “Immunology” as the theme for tomorrow. Just so that things are not too easy they have stipulated that no conference T-shirts and no drug company T-shirts can be worn. Sadly that means that the "Bender MedSystems" T-shirt will have to remain in its drawer for now.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Week 3 Minipoll Results

Another week, another Minipoll...

Last week we asked you who you thought would win the Longevity contest i.e. which competitor has the most T-shirts. And you said:

Nick - 39%
Brian - 35%
Pete - 26%

So Nick pipping Brian to the post, there, but it remains to be seen how accurate you were.

This week's Minipoll sticks with the theme of Longevity and asks 'How many T-shirts do you think the winner will have?'. You can choose from less than 25, 26-50 or more than 50 (bear in mind that by the start of this week, the contestants will be onto their 15th T-shirt).

Keep voting through the week!

No play today

There is no play today as it is a public holiday here. Check back tomorrow for the first day of Theme Week...

Saturday, September 24, 2005

First Theme for 'Theme Week' chosen

As mentioned recently, next week in T-shirt Wars will be a little bit special. The week has been designated 'Theme Week' and each judging lab will choose a theme which the contestants will have to try their damnedest to match with their T-shirt. Each player will have the opportunity to put their case to the judges, explaining how their T-shirt best matches the given theme and points will be allocated accordingly.

And excitingly, the first theme of the week has now been chosen! Monday is a public holiday so the first lab to be judging will be 306 on Tuesday and they have chosen the theme of Macho. Great.

One of the judges said Having considered themes such as “Reishi mushrooms” and the “Microstate of Liechtenstein” I have decided that the T-shirt theme for Tuesday the 27th day of September shall be “Macho” i.e. I want to see you in the most manly T-shirt you own! It remains to be seen how the contestants interpret this theme.

In the meantime, you can contribute your own suggestions for theme week by clicking on the Comments link at the bottom of this or any other post. I see there is already a comment after yesterday's announcement.

Enjoy Theme Week!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Coming Soon - Theme Week

In order to keep things fresh and add a new twist to the proceedings next week will be Theme Week. During the week each of the judging labs will nominate a Theme for their day of judging. Contestants must then do their best to wear a T-shirt which in some way fits with that Theme - should their thinking be a bit lateral they are free to justify to the judges how they feel their T-shirt fits in with the Theme. When scoring the T-shirts the judges will then take into account how well each contestant has applied themselves to fitting with the Theme. Themes can be anything; animals, weather and so on. However it should be remembered that if the Theme is too specific then it is unlikely to add much to play, eg parrots of the South American rain forests.

If any T-Shirt Wars fans have any suggestions please click the comments button below to add them to the site (you can post with the Name of your choice or as Anonymous). Judges - don't forget to read the comments for inspiration.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Day 12 - A Bolt from the Brown

As the sun rose on another day in the long hard T-shirt Wars campaign I stood in my base camp surveying my arsenal laid out before me and the words of the great Sun Tzu echoed in my ears, "He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight." And so I thought of my opponents reading their arms, would they come in strong and hard or would their guard be down today. I decided that the lead was in my grasp and that I would deploy one of my stronger T-shirts today - a dark brown one with a striking blue lightning bolt in a circle. And so to battle.

When I reached the lab I could smell something... like the smell of napalm in the morning... smelled like... victory. Someday this war's gonna end...

My strategy paid off. Despite Pete's disdain for the colour brown my T-shirt came in first place. The judges liked the lightning design including the repeat detail on the side label. Pete's also received a favourable response, in particular the "subtle" USA part of the logo, which apparently is more "faded" than "subtle". Brian's was felt to be a bit dull and the judges felt that grey was not his colour. One judge commented that all the efforts were disappointing today and that we "must try harder", however the same judge had previously expressed a preference for T-shirts in the "vomit on a sunset" style.

And so I am now back at the top of the pile by a narrow margin. Thank you Sun Tzu.

The King is dead. Long live the King!

The more observant of you will have noticed that Pete's online name has changed. No longer does he sign off his blogs as 'Pete the Winner'. No, he decided that that was a little too presumptive and placed him at the mercy of the Trades Descriptions Act. So in a bold move he has changed his online moniker to...



Will he never learn? All hail the King!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

A Wee Tip

If you are keenly watching the blog from the minute the sun rises every day and wondering why it has not been updated as the hours pass by then don't forget to press the "Refresh" or "Reload" button on your browser.

Day 11 - All that glisters... not gold, some bloke once wrote. Well, I certainly discovered that today.

After a pretty decent run had seen me stretch to an unprecedented lead, it was hard not to be confident going into today's contest. After all, lab 207 - with all it's reputation for unpredictability - had been kind to me before and I was mindful of their previous comments about glitter and ironing.

It was with this in mind that I found myself meticulously ironing the front and back of my black Batman tee, with a gold Batman logo resplendent in the middle. 'What could be better than glitter, but gold?' I thought to myself. But on arrival at work, I knew that it would be a hard-fought contest. Pete, languishing in last place, had pulled out a trump card in his 'girl walking away' printed shirt. Nick was risking a plain, but stylish gun-metal grey number with orange panels sewn into the sleeves and eyelet 'vents' in the armpits (see photo).

In the lion's den we were paraded up and down like cattle, but it soon became apparent that a miraculous stroke of good fortune had swung things in Pete's favour. Leaning against a blackboard had produced what could only be described as an 'abstract rainbow' on his back... and back-prints had previously been noted as a favourite feature of some of the more discerning judges.

And so the results came it: Pete was right back in the game with 3 points, Nick bucked the trend for plain T-shirts with 2 and I only just maintained my lead with 1 bat-point. So the points were tallied up and photos taken, but all I could think about was the judges' comments... 'don't mistake gold... for glitter'.

Monday, September 19, 2005

New Minipoll

I'm sure everyone will be excited to hear that we have now managed to fix the minipoll so it should display OK in Internet Explorer. If not let us know either in person or by clicking the "comments" text below this post.

As you can see we have the new minipoll up which, for want of a better question, asks you to predict the outcome of the Longevity Contest.

Also I am pleased to see that jennifer garrett appreciated the spirit and complexity of T-shirt wars when she visited as part of her trawl of 100 blogs in 100 days. It's a shame that geography means that she will never get the chance to compete with us - at least not until T-Shirt Wars goes global.

'Gift' Minipoll Results

Well, the results from last week's minipoll are available.

(Drum roll)

  • 56% voters think we should allow unrestricted gifts of T-shirts during the competition.
  • 33% think that gifts should only be allowed on birthdays and religious festivals
  • 11% think that gifts should be forbidden during the contest

Total vosts cast = 8
Spoiled papers = 3982

Obviously, in a democratic society we value the anonymity of the voting process, so I am unable to reveal to you that one contestant may have had his wife and mother voting for the 'unrestricted gift' option. But if you see Nick turning up in either a SEPA or Firefox T-shirt you should smell a rat...

OK, we're not going to change the Minipoll yet. It's messing up the formatting of the page for all you Internet Explorer users out there and we're still trying to sort it out so until we know whether or not we have to ditch the Minipoll, we won't bother with a new one. Right, on with Week 3!

Saturday, September 17, 2005

You were expecting an update at the weekend?

No chance, sorry!

Friday, September 16, 2005


As mentioned yesterday due to the fact we don't have a complete team, and prior notice has been given in accordance with Rule 4(a)i, today is a day devoid of play. Consequently Brian and I had free reign. Brian chose a blast with from the past with one of his previous winners, perhaps to remind us all of his current place in the lead. I chose a glimpse of the future with a T-shirt as yet unused in competition.

So the second week draws to a close and perhaps it is time for silent contemplation. There has certainly been an increase in interest, highlighted by the response at the Away Day and the exponentially rising hit count on the blog site. The competitors also seem to be getting some feel for the tastes of the judges, although there can always be surprises – see Day 7 for example.

In addition, like chess or Go, the longer one plays the game the more the depth of strategy possible becomes apparent. Should you play your poor T-shirts first (in the hope that your good ones stand a better chance of winning later) or your good ones (in the fear that you waste the good ones late if someone has already run out)? If someone is leading will they play their best ones to consolidate their lead or their worst while they can afford too? The list goes on but I risk giving away too much…

There is still no clue as too how long we are all going to last - the end of the month? Christmas? Next summer? The only way to find out is to keep playing.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Day 9 - No bears

Ah, the irony!

A bear, in stockmarket terms, is an investor who tries to drive prices down, believing that stocks are overvalued. And my T-shirt today featured a 'No bears' logo from the New York Stock Exchange. Yet, my outlook on the current T-shirt competition was still somewhat 'bear-like': the flashy, designer T-shirts are winning out over more understated, simple designs, indicating perhaps the market here is also overvalued. But my old, mis-shapen, ill-fitting T-shirt came out tops in today's judging...

Nick had actually gone for something a bit simpler today with a pale blue T-shirt adorned only by a simple Skateboard logo. Pete, on the other hand seemed to have decided to go for broke with a designer 'Quiksilver' effort, grey with red flashes sewn into the sides and an ostentatious logo on the back. I had the above-mentioned No Bears shirt.

The judges from 306 were split and had to call in additional help to break the deadlock. Every T-shirt, it seemed, had its champion. But finally the result came: Nick 3rd, Pete second and victory for the bear! This propelled me back into the lead which has been 'flip-flopping' all week between Nick and I, but left Pete languishing in last place. That gives him something to think about as he jets off for a long weekend. No match tomorrow, as Pete's away, but back to full-on competition next week.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Day 8 - Playing Away from home

As mentioned this morning it was the Away Day Special today. For the purpose of this a guest umpire was nominated whose task it was to poll as many attendees as possible. This task was given to Iona who lived up to the expectations we had of her and did a just and thorough job.

So what was the drapery on this fine day? I had decided to pull out the stops and wore one of the pieces from my A list collection – a nice red colour with the silhouette of a pagoda and the text “mirrorball”. Given the comments from previous judges I also made sure the iron was brought to bear on it before slipping it on. The audience agreed with my selection pretty unanimously and I was crowned the victor! Pete wore an understated but stylish o’neill number which just couldn’t quite cut the mustard today and landed him second place. Brian had gone for a slightly old school look with a minimalist dark blue offering with white stripes and trim. Sadly the judges felt it just didn’t quite work today and he came in last. In keeping with the new policy the pictures are below - note the change of background scenery.

The mention of open judging had raised the question as to whether anyone’s T-shirt could be eligible today. While this was not the case the competition would not have been stiff given the paucity of T-shirts in the house. However honourable mentions would have to go to Beili and also Paul for his oddly titled “Fast Helmets” T-shirt.

And at the end of the Away game I am once again in the lead with Brian hot on my heels and Pete bringing up the rear.

Away Day

We are all away at the Away Day, all day (hence the name) so there will be no blog during the day. However, there is a competition running, so check back this evening or tomorrow to find out what happened.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Ashes Victory

We at T-Shirt Wars salute the victorious English cricket team in their triumph, retaining the Ashes after 18 years by beating the Australian cricket team by 2 matches to 1 this summer.

We draw inspiration from the grit and determination of players from both teams, the 'never-say-die' attitude and great sportsmanship, and hope to transfer that spirit to our own competition.

However, not everyone was satisfied with England's performance... when Freddy Flintoff's gran was interviewed on Radio 5 Live, she said '...Andrew batted terribly.'

Monday, September 12, 2005

Photos Minipoll Result

Well the Minipoll on photos has now closed and I can reveal that 98% of votes were in favour of having photos of the T-shirts on the blog. And so, as J-L Picard would say, we will 'make it so'. The votes were 100% in favour until the last minute when a last straggler voted for only showing the winning T-shirts - perhaps a backlash to seeing Nick's 'bodybuilder' pose in today's T-shirts?

So a new poll begins. Over the weekend, a keen observer asked 'How about if someone (partner, friend, doting parent) gives a contestant a new/different T-shirt to boost their Longevity chances?'. Thanks, Mrs Pitman for your question... let's put it to the masses.

Can friends/family unilaterally affect the result of an otherwise just contest, or should we ban the giving of T-shirts during the contest? Or should we only allow presents when presents are appropriate e.g. birthdays, weddings and Bar Mitvahs?

Vote now, and keep voting through the week.


Here are our first attempts at posting photos of the T-shirts. Left is Nick's Felix effort, right is the winning cowboy T-shirt from Brian.

Day 6 - Shane Warne claims another victim

Astonishing developments at the start of the second week of T-Shirt Wars!

Pete, engrossed by the tense play in the final day of the Fifth Ashes Test, opted to stay at home and thus transgresses Law 4a (Non-appearance of a contestant). Because of this, he scores no points today, acquires the first black mark of this tournament, leaving Nick and myself to battle it out for top spot today! What's more, we can wear today's T-shirts again, when we choose to. How costly could this be in the long run?

So on to the clobber. Nick turned up in a blue T-shirt featuring cartoon legend Felix the Cat. A good tee, but there was an element of the tent about it. I went for an old favourite - black shirt with a yellow and orange sunset adorned with a cowboy on a horse. 301 was judging today and made a swift decision:

Brian - 3 points - 'well fitting... liked the stitching, very stylish'
Nick - 2 points - 'liked the originality... Felix was cute but could have been bigger and a slogan on the back would have been good. It was also a little bit too big'.

So I'm right back in the running! Also, in response to our mini-poll we will be putting photos on the blog, as soon as we work out how! There was 100% in favour on the minipoll for photos, although some 80% of the votes came from 2 computers, evidence of multiple voting! We like that. Look out for our photos and a new mini-poll coming soon!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Time to draw breath...

Well, it's the end of week one of T-Shirt Wars and I think all the players are taking full advantage of the break over the weekend. It's the opportunity to wear anything you want without fear of scrutiny and criticism, and a break from tactical thinking - although for top players, that never really goes away.

It was certainly an interesting week, and I don't think any of us really knew what to expect. Probably most fascinating was the level of interest that the judges took and their different approaches. Some seemed to go on instinct whereas others clearly had scoring systems, the details of which remain closely-guarded secrets. There were not only visual assessments but also several tactile evaluations (of the cloth, obviously) and one comment was even passed about a contestant's smell (positive). These judgements may become more elaborate as the game progresses but one thing that surprised me was that there were no enquiries as to the history or back-stories of the T-shirts. Surely, one of the most interesting things about T-shirts is the history behind it and the memories that it evokes.

Thanks for all your ideas and comments: suggestions about the rules have been banded about, notably about the legality of receiving T-shirts as gifts and the possibility of introducing Jokers and Hexes that contestants can play strategically and these may be introduced by mutual agreement. Any other comments can be sent via the 'Comments' liks on these blogs. Meanwhile, with only 12½ hours until the next day's play starts, game on!

Friday, September 09, 2005

Day 5 - The Worm Turns

So the first week draws to a close and we return to where it all kicked off - lab 207.

Again today there were some dubious threads on show, all looking like they had been round the block a couple of times. I went for a khaki number, which was in fact screen printed by a friend, with a subtle silver print front and back. Pete had dug deep and found a Longpigs tour T-shirt from an unspecified year. Brian had frankly an ugly offering with one of Miro's less attractive pieces printed on the front. Pete and I thought it was in the bag for one of us, but little did we know the extent to which Brian had thought this through...

And so the results came in by phone in less time than it took us to walk back to 306. Once again 207 didn't like my style and I came in third. Pete ranked a respectable 2nd, shockingly Brian rose from the ashes to grab first place. The only clue today was that - any other T-shirts with Spanish language on them might do well. It transpires that in small print on Brian's was "Fundacio Joan Miro" and this struck a cord with one of the judges who I am led to believe hails from those parts.

Well one week and five T-shirts gone and still everything to play for with only one point separating each competitor - Pete (11) Nick(10) Brian (9).

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Blog off!

Sorry, there is no blog today. We will post an update of Day 4's contest later.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Day 3 - Zero to Hero

All the competitors today appeared to be keeping their best T-shirts in the quiver for another day, raising the question for all as when would be the best time to play their proverbial Ace of Spades. Only 3 days in and the tactical element is evolving rapidly.

Pete chose a beige Animal T-shirt with a small carp on the front and a large Chinese dragon on the back, all done in a line art style. Brian chose an understated blue one with a small Tobermory whisky logo on the front. I pulled a navy blue Shorinji Kempo T-shirt from it's hiding place with small print Japanese characters on the front and a large picture of someone executing a round-house style kick on the back.

Lab 306 was on the rota today and the judges reached a fairly swift decision as follows
Nick - 1st
Pete - 2nd
Brian - 3rd
My T-shirt struck a cord with one judge due to his appreciation of martial arts and another due to the fact it was felt to reflect my personality. Brian seemed a little disappointed that the appreciation of fine malt whisky had not resulted in a higher score for his choice today. We were also treated to an insight into the criteria used by one of the judges who revealed that the T-shirts were judged on suitability (to the wearer), desirability and general quality.

And so at the end of the day I have moved from lowly burnished bronze 2 days ago to dazzling gold at the top of the pile today. It'll goes to show how much of a dynamic, tense and exciting sport this can be!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Day 2

A nail-biting result today...

All three competitors wore decent 'shirts with Nick sporting a T-shirt black except for a Native American design; Brian wore an 'Alcatraz Triathalon' number with an amusing back print and Pete's was a bright orange Diesel 'shirt with a 'Full Eruption' design. Lab 301 was judging and took the event very seriously, even hustling us into the lab for scrutiny. Their secret set of criteria sounded complex indeed but miraculously ended up with all three T-shirts on the same aggregate score. Thus they had to deliberate, cogitate and digest (as Loyd Grossman would have said) for an agonising 15 further minutes before the result was delivered.

Winner - Nick (3)
2nd - Brian (2)
Last - Pete (1)

Comments: The judges liked the unique design of Nick's T-shirt. They also liked Brian's design, especially the back, but it was not totally original. Pete's T-shirt was too bright.

And that shock result leaves all three competitors on 4 points!! Which is more exciting than an Ashes Test match.

Tomorrow, T-Shirt Wars comes home, to Lab 306.

Day 1

Yesterday, being the first day of competition, no one really knew what to expect. Nick and I obviously had similar ideas, coming in with plain, unpatterned T-shirts. Mine was a plain grey with dark trim around a v-neck, bought some time ago from Eisenegger in their perpetual 70% off sale. Nick's was plain maroon/burgundy. Pete, however, went for an elaborate design of Japanese characters which apparently read "International Pornstar" and "Prototype" (the name of the make).

Judging took place late in the day as we spent some time working out the rules. First lab to judge was 207. We had to walk up and down the lab once while being scrutinised - Nick gave a jaunty skip during his walk, I went for a slide turn and Pete used his 'Blue Steel' look to good effect. 5 minutes later we had the phone call. Pete got top spot (3 points) and a comment that they liked the design but felt that a back print would have been nice. Nick's burgundy effort was judged 'a positive point that it was colourful but just a shame that it was a horrible colour', leaving him with a single point and me with 2 points.

So a successful start. Lab 301 judging tomorrow so tactics may start to come into force.

Monday, September 05, 2005

The Rules

The basic premise is simple:

Who has the most T-shirts?
This is assessed by the contestants wearing a different T-shirt every day for as long as possible. The last person still wearing different T-shirts wins! This is known as the Longevity Contest.

Who has the best T-shirts?
This is judges on a daily basis with points awarded for each T-shirt. The winner is the person with the most points by the end of the contest. This is known as the Quality Contest.

The details of the competition, however, turned out to be much more complicated.
After much deliberation and many cups of tea, the rules for T-Shirt Wars were hammered out today:




There shall be two contests taking place concurrently: the Longevity Contest for the most consecutive days wearing of different T-shirts and the Quality Contest for the highest overall quality of T-shirts.


For the Longevity Contest, contestants shall wear a different T-shirt each weekday for as long a period as possible. The winner will be the contestant who maintains this for the longest.

    a. The basic rule for the Longevity Contest is that it is prohibited to wear the same T-shirt twice. The only exceptions to this rule are described in Rules 4a (Non-attendance of a contestant), 4b (Non-wearing of a T-shirt) and 3c (Exhaustion of T-shirt supply).

    b. Wearing a T-shirt twice.

      i. In the event that a contestant wears a T-shirt twice but this goes unnoticed during that day’s play, the contestant shall incur NO PENALTY.

      ii. In the event that a contestant wears a T-shirt twice and is noticed on the same day, he shall score zero points for quality that day, shall incur one black mark and the other two contestants can compete for quality points that day and can wear their T-shirts again at a later date without penalty.

    c. If two or more contestants tie for the Longevity Contest then the number of black marks shall come into play, and the player with the fewest black marks shall be deemed the winner. If there is still a tie then the player who received the first black mark loses.

    d. When a contestant runs out of T-shirts he is forced to retire from the Longevity Contest. He can however continue in the Quality Contest under rule 3c (Exhaustion of T-shirt supply).


For the Quality Contest, contestants’ T-shirts will be assessed each day by a different lab. Points will be awarded for the best (3 points), 2nd best (2 points) and worst (1 point) T-shirts that day. At the end of the contest the player with the most points wins.

    a. The labs to judge the T-shirts will be 306, 207, 301/305 and 405/4th floor. The order each week shall be determined by the player who had the fewest points at the end of the previous week with each lab being used once per week with one being used twice at the choosing player’s discretion. The first week’s order will be determined at random.

    b. Each lab will have up to two persons nominated to lead the deliberations as to the awarding of points. They may include the opinions of anyone in the lab and may use any criteria, although guidelines will be provided. Interesting comments concerning the awarding decision may be recorded but have no bearing on the overall result.

    c. Exhaustion of T-shirt supply. In the event that a player has used all of his T-shirts he can then start wearing T-shirts a second time. However he cannot wear a T-shirt a third time until he has worn all of his T-shirts a second time. The penalty for doing this shall be the same as described in 2b) Wearing a T-shirt twice. The contestant may not acquire any new Quality points but any player ranked below him for a given day’s play shall receive no points.

    d. End of Quality Contest

      i. The Quality Contest will end on the last day of the Longevity Contest i.e. on the day that the winning player of the Longevity Contest wears his final T-shirt.

      ii. In the event of a tie, the number of black marks shall be taken into account with the contestant with the fewest being deemed the winner.

      iii. If the number of black marks are also tied then the number of ‘3 pointers’ shall come into play with the player with the highest number of three rankings declared the winner. Note: ‘3’ rankings achieved after the exhaustion of a player’s T-shirt supply will not be counted for this purpose.

      iv. If there is still a tie then the tied players will enter into a ‘sudden-death’ play-off to be held the next working day. In this situation they can wear any T-shirt which will then be judged by all four labs with 306 having the casting vote.


    a. Non-attendance of a contestant

      i. In the event of a contestant not being able to be present on a particular day, it is the responsibility of that contestant to inform the other contestants by 10 p.m. the night before. That day is then counted as null and void.

      ii. If a contestant is absent without prior warning then he shall score zero points for that day. The other contestants can then compete for 3 and 2 points respectively and can wear that day’s T-shirts again at a later date of their discretion.

    b. Non-wearing of a T-shirt

      i. If a contestant does not wear a T-shirt then he must give prior warning of this as per rule 4a(i).

      ii. If no warning is given then the penalty shall be as for rule 4a(ii).

    c. Prohibited shirts

      i. No long sleeves

      ii. No collars/polo shirts

      iii. No borrowing of T-shirts (T-shirts already borrowed and in the contestant’s house at the commencement of the competition are exempt).


Jokers and Hexes

a) Jokers

Each player shall have one Joker that can be played on any day of the competition. A Joker is a declaration of the player’s confidence in the quality of the T-shirt that he is planning to wear. As such, if he receives first or second place in the Quality Scoring, he shall receive an extra bonus point i.e. 4 or 3 points respectively. However, if his confidence is misplaced and he comes third, he forfeits his points for that day and scores zero.

b) Hexes

Each player shall have two Hexes that can be played on any day of competition. They can be played against either opponent or the same opponent twice. A Hex is way of nullifying the effects of an opponent’s T-shirt. The player must state which opponent he is placing the Hex on, and the Hexed player will score no points on that day of play. The other players receive the number of points that they would otherwise have scored i.e. 3 points for first place, 2 for second or 1 for last.

c) Playing a Joker or a Hex

Key facets of both Jokers and Hexes are that they are played before the other players have chosen their T-shirts for the day’s play, and also that those players are unaware that a Joker or Hex has been played. As such, in order to play a Joker or a Hex, on the day before the play, a player must write down his intention – including the name of the player being Hexed if appropriate – and give it in a sealed envelope to one of the judges for the day of the Joker/Hex. The judges cannot open the envelope until they have made their decision. Thus, the judging takes place as normal, but once the results are known, the envelope(s) is opened and any adjustments to the score made.

d) Combinations of Jokers and Hexes

Any combinations of Jokers and Hexes are allowed. In the event of a player being Hexed while playing a Joker, the Hex takes precedent and the player scores no points. If that player comes in third place that day (and would therefore have scored no points because of the Joker) there is no additional penalty. If a player is Hexed by two other players at the same time, the effect is the same as for one Hex. Other combinations of Jokers and Hexes are self-explanatory.

e) New Jokers and Hexes

By mutual agreement of all players, new Jokers and Hexes can be issued. In this case, any unused Jokers or Hexes can be carried over.


When a player has used all of his T-shirts, he retires from the Longevity Contest but can start wearing his T-shirts again as part of the Quality Contest. In the original T-Shirt Wars Rules, the player could not score any further points. This is amended to allow the player to score half as many points as usual. In other words, he scores 1.5 points for a win, 1 point for 2nd place and 0.5 points for third place. The other players score as normal (3, 2 and 1 points respectively). In the unlikely event that a player wears all his T-shirts a second time and commences a third cycle, he shall score quarter points and so on until the gain of points is so small as to approach zero and everyone gives up.


The beginning...

When conversation turned to T-shirts last week, the question 'How many T-shirts do you have?' seemed innocent enough. But it soon escalated into 'How long do you think that you could wear a different T-shirt every day?' and 'Whose got the best T-shirts?' and before we knew it T-Shirt Wars was born.

Rules were drawn up, judges were selected and laundry baskets were raided.

Welcome... to T-Shirt Wars!
